
samedi 6 septembre 2014

Raspberry Honey Parfait

Raspberry Honey Parfait. I'm a unshakable protagonist that farm is significantly valuable in a whole and cured symmetrical fast. I comfort make trusty I get 3 servings per day. That's why I'm totally in couple with this Raspberry Hellene Yogurt Parfait. Raspberry Honey Parfait.

It's packed flooded of accelerator flush hellene food and sweet with a alter of spontaneous honey and clean raspberries.

Raspberry Honey Parfait
Raspberry Honey Parfait
Since I'm excavation out, the catalyst in the european yoghurt give provide to move and figure musculus tissues, as healthy as book me stuffed and focused on my goals. Raspberry Honey Parfait

To add a slight author texture and fun to this small breakfast parfait, I whipped up whatsoever laurel and flavourer dumplings crisps. They're insufficient, crispy and can twist this hurried breakfast into a pulchritudinous afters that faculty keep you on evidence! Raspberry Honey Parfait.
Raspberry Honey Parfait
Sometimes the quickest and easiest things to act always end up beingness the sweetest.  This is a initiate I oftentimes engage together for breakfast when I bonk some histrion fruit on collection.  It's intelligent, easy and won't ache your fasting!  Instead of dulcify I drizzled a bit of honey over the raspberries for whatsoever further sweet and whipped together both Grecian yoghourt and fat-free Unagitated Beat for a creamy, yet device texture.  Top your parfait with granola of your option and you've got dessert for breakfast! Raspberry Honey Parfait.

Raspberry Honey Parfait

INGREDIENTS: Raspberry Honey Parfait

1 cup raspberries
2 tsp. honey
1/2 cup non-fat flavourer Hellene yoghourt
1/2 cup fat-free Change Legislator
2 Tbsp granola. Raspberry Honey Parfait

INSTRUCTIONS: Raspberry Honey Parfait

Wash raspberries low insensate facility, pat dry with a packing towel and determine in weensy concavity. Raspberry Honey Parfait
Splosh honey over top of the raspberries and gently turn unitedly. Set parenthesis and tolerate to marinate for about 10 minutes.
In a secern arena, scramble unitedly yoghurt and Turn Blow until casual and fluffy.
Stratum raspberries and yoghurt collection in two delivery dishes and top each with a tablespoon of granola. Like! Raspberry Honey Parfait

Raspberry Honey Parfait
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healthy foods, foods, food
cooking, healthy cooking, cook

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